
Update 3.2

From new mod support to essential system upgrades.

Hey Minecrafters! Gear up for an technical update of SKlauncher! We've been mining and crafting some cool new features and fixes in version 3.2. 3.2 changelog cover image This update is a significant step forward in enhancing your Minecraft experience, with a special focus on technical enhancements and the first phase of UI improvements. While we've concentrated on the under-the-hood upgrades to ensure a more stable and efficient gaming experience, you'll also begin to see the initial touches of our efforts to refine the launcher's user interface. Here’s a closer look at what’s new:

Added NeoForged Support

Elevate your modding game! NeoForged compatibility means more power to your play. Get ready to explore new dimensions in Minecraft modding. Whether you're into intricate machinery, expansive new worlds, or anything in between, NeoForged brings your ideas to life with ease and efficiency.

Skin Support for 1.20.2

Good news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! We've fixed the long-standing issue with skin support for Minecraft version 1.20.2. Your characters can now display their unique skins correctly in the game, restoring the personal touch to your Minecraft experience.

Language Expansion

สวัสดี! Salam! ¡Hola! With the addition of Thai, Azerbaijani, and Argentine Spanish, we're embracing players from diverse corners of the world. More gamers can now navigate SKlauncher in their native languages, making the Minecraft experience more inclusive and accessible.

Goodbye GTK 2

We've bid farewell to GTK 2 support, paving the way for a more streamlined and modern user experience. The result? A sleeker, more stable, and more efficient launcher that's ready to handle all your Minecraft needs.

Security Tightening - JSON Parser

We've patched up a critical vulnerability in our JSON parser. Rest easy knowing that your gaming sessions are now safer, with enhanced security measures in place to protect your Minecraft world.

A dozen of other fixes

From minor tweaks to significant overhauls, we've diligently squashed bugs and refined features. The launcher is now more polished than ever, ensuring a smoother, more reliable, and enjoyable Minecraft experience.

In summary, SKlauncher 3.2 not only addresses important technical aspects but also lays the groundwork for visually appealing user interface. These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to providing a top-notch Minecraft experience. Stay tuned for even more enhancements in our next major update...

Happy crafting!