Join sklauncher's Discord

By joining our Discord you'll have access to a wealth of resources and support. In addition our server is a great place to make new friends and connect with other players who share your love of the game.

The most important server rules

  1. Be respectful and considerate towards others in the community.
  2. Do not spam or flood the chat with unnecessary messages.
  3. Do not send direct messages to other users without their consent.
  4. Follow Discord community guidelines.
  5. Read frequently asked questions (FAQ) before asking a question*
  6. Do not advertise or promote other servers or products without permission.
  7. Do not repeat the same question multiple times.
  8. Do not discuss or share cheats or hacks.
  9. Do not share or distribute SKlauncher files without permission.
  10. Only share mods or programs from official sources.
  • skl-news

    SKL Development news feed

  • suggestions

    A place for users to make suggestions and proposals (English Only)

  • support-forum

    A place to report problems in the form of separate tickets

  • support

    Support (English Only), check the FAQ before asking a question

  • support_international

    Support conversations related to SKL (All languages allowed)

  • discuss

    Conversations related to SKL (English Only)

  • modpacks-discuss

    English only. Not for asking support

  • offtop

    Shoutbox, just off-topic conversations (English Only)

  • memes

    Channel for posting memes (English Only)

  • bots

    Only bot commands (English Only)

  • mc-screenshots

    Post your Minecraft screenshots. Screenshots of landscape are much appreciated!