As a sklauncher user, you are in a very comfortable position! Just use the 'assign cape to my account' button and the skin will be immediately added and ready for use in the game. To notice the change you need to restart the game, if it was running at the time of the change.

Yes! If your friends or other players on the server also use the sklauncher then you will all see your capes in the game. Playing with our launcher is a prerequisite. If you have changed your skin and your fellow players do not see it, check if it is visible in your account settings on our website. Also try restarting minecraft along with the launcher.

If you want to assign this cape to your Mojang account - just download it using the 'download' button. However, if your mojang account has the same nickname as the one on the sklauncher - you can add the skin via the 'assign cape to my account' button. It will then only be visible to people using the sklauncher, while the cape assigned to your mojang account will not change.

Make sure that the cape has been correctly assigned to your account - it should be visible in your account settings, under 'customization'. If you do not see your desired skin there - try adding it again and restart the game with the launcher. In case of further problems, please use our support service on discord.